What are the benefits of orthodontics?

orthodontics-in-stokeThere are obvious benefits to orthodontics in Stoke for children. Our dental practitioners at Ashlow Orthodontics encourage parents of young children to ensure they have their children’s oral development assessed at an early age.

It is not uncommon to find babies as young as a year old to have their first dental check-up. It may be surprising to hear, but dental practitioners can discern potential dental development problems at this young age. Dental development problems detected in early stages can be treated so that children do not needlessly have to suffer pain and discomfort or any of the other challenges associated with impaired teeth and jaw development.

Adults, too, can benefit enormously from orthodontics in Stoke, even though their teeth and jaw development has been realised. In today’s post, we take a look at some of these significant benefits of orthodontics in Stoke that make life a little bit easier for adults.

How can orthodontics benefit adult patients

One of the main concerns for any adult is their dental appearance. Your dental appearance has a direct correlation to self-confidence, which, in turn, is the foundation on which success in life is built. There are a number of characteristics on which a pleasing smile is dependent. The first is for teeth to be straight and healthy without unattractive gaps.

Orthodontic treatment is also used to protect teeth health. Teeth that are not in alignment present challenges for good oral hygiene. Tooth loss is a devastating effect of poor oral hygiene control, and missing teeth opens up further causes for concern. A dental practitioner may recommend orthodontic care for a patient with misaligned or overcrowded teeth.

For patients experiencing jaw pain or difficulties with biting and chewing, orthodontics can provide much relief. Pain when biting and chewing may mean a reluctance to eat, which puts healthy body function at risk. The physical body is not able to adequately defend itself against illness when proper nutritional needs are not met.

In addition to a healthy mouth, orthodontics can also offer protection for general health. By making teeth easier to clean and leading to improved oral health, orthodontics can help protect against undesirable life-threatening illnesses and diseases. To understand this, you have to look at the role played by bad oral bacteria.

Researchers have discovered that bad oral bacteria – the kind that causes gum disease and tooth loss, can move out of the mouth. These disease-causing microorganisms make their way into the body via the gum pockets that allow them to access the vulnerable inner structures of the tooth and escape into the bloodstream.

From here, they can travel to life-sustaining systems like the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Blood clots, inflammation, strokes and heart attacks are among the consequences patients with severe gum disease are at increased risk of.

The end goal of orthodontic treatment is a healthier and happier outlook, not to mention a great-looking smile. If you need to be assessed for orthodontic treatment, please give us a call at Ashlow Orthodontics to arrange a consultation.