Thinking about orthodontics for straighter and healthier teeth?


At Ashlow Orthodontics we are pleased to be able to offer you different types of orthodontics in Stoke to straighten your teeth, improve the appearance of your smile and promote better dental health and wellbeing. We understand that adult patients are reluctant to undergo orthodontics using traditional metal braces. Therefore we provide a range of braces that straighten your teeth at your discretion. We understand that different patients have various dental needs and not all types of braces are suitable for everyone. Some patients have complex orthodontic issues, whilst others have aesthetic orthodontic issues. Whichever category you fit into you need to visit us at Ashlow Orthodontics so that we can carry out a comprehensive dental assessment and identify your individual orthodontic needs. We will also listen to your preferences to help decide which treatment is the best type of orthodontics in Stoke for you.

Clear braces and lingual braces

If you require fixed braces but are looking for a discreet treatment option then ask us about clear braces that are exactly the same as traditional metal braces. However, the brackets are either translucent or matched to the colour of your teeth so that they do not draw unwanted attention to your mouth. For those looking for further discretion, you can find out about lingual braces. Lingual braces are an excellent option because they provide the efficacy of fixed braces, however, they are attached to the back surface of your teeth so that they are hidden from sight, but still provide excellent aesthetic results. Lingual braces are more expensive than traditional braces and clear braces, but they provide complete discretion, even more so than clear braces.


If you have less complex orthodontic needs then you should find out about Invisalign aligners. Invisalign aligners are a popular choice of orthodontics in Stoke. They are very different to traditional orthodontic treatment in that they use clear thermoplastic aligners to straighten your teeth. These aligners can be taken out of your mouth and replaced as necessary. You will be provided with a full set of aligners, which are worn for two weeks at a time and move your teeth in small increments until you have achieved a neatly aligned smile. The process itself takes between twelve and eighteen months, depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with. During this time, if you need to visit us with any queries or to make sure that the process is coming along successfully then it is recommended that you do so after every three or four aligners. The rest of the process can be done at home.

If you are undergoing a lengthy treatment, for example eighteen to twenty-four months, then it is recommended that you visit the hygienist and have your teeth cleaned at regular intervals to make sure that plaque and tartar do not develop on the teeth whilst you are having them straightened. Once complete, you can find out about a retainer that will help you maintain your new straightened teeth for the rest of your life. In this way you will also maintain healthy teeth and gums with less chance of developing cavities, tooth decay and gum disease in the future.

Visit our website or ring us at Ashlow Orthodontics and book an appointment today to find out more.