Teeth straightening with our orthodontist


If you are thinking about addressing the misalignment issues of your teeth then you may be wondering how braces actually work. There are different types of braces for moving your teeth into a neater formation, however, the science behind them is very similar. The roots of our teeth are surrounded by the jawbone and when a consistent force is applied to the tooth over an extended period of time the bone on one side of the tooth is broken down and new bone is formed on the other side of the tooth so that the tooth can shift into the new gap created by the breakdown of the original bone. Your gums and blood vessels which were around the tooth also shift position so that the tooth can securely fit into its new position.

Braces are designed to place pressure on the tooth signalling your body to break down the bone in the current position and build new bone in the new position so that your teeth can slowly move into place. Speak to us at Ashlow Orthodontics to find out more.

Different types of braces

You can visit our website to learn about the different types of braces that we have to offer, give us a call, email us or fill out our contact form so that we can contact you. Our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent will ask you to book an appointment to visit us in person. To begin with our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent will carry out a smile assessment and identify the factors that are affecting the alignment of your teeth. We will also carry out an examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that you are ready for orthodontic treatment. It is necessary to address any dental issues prior to undergoing orthodontic treatment, to make sure that there are no complications during the treatment procedure or in the future. We have a range of braces and our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent will help you decide which types of braces are most suitable for you, depending on your dental requirements and your personal preferences.

Here, at the practice, we have braces for all the family. Whether you are looking to undergo orthodontic treatment as an adult or you have undergone orthodontic treatment earlier on in life and would like to perfect the alignment of your teeth, we have braces which are suitable for you. If you are thinking about teeth straightening for your children then we can also provide a range of different braces for them. Traditional orthodontic treatment is available for those with complicated orthodontic conditions or we have cosmetic orthodontic treatment available for those with minor or moderate misalignment of the teeth. If you are worried about drawing further attention to your mouth with orthodontics then our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent can advise and offer invisible orthodontic treatment which helps correct the misalignment issues of your teeth, but without others knowing that you are are undergoing dental treatment unless you want to tell them yourself. Speak to us at the practice today to find out more about the treatment options that are available for you.