14 September 2023
FAQs about wearing braces...
Many FAQ sections looking at orthodontics ask the same questions; how do I brush, when will they be off, etc?...
01 September 2023
Could orthodontics be the...
Orthodontics in Stoke are a form of cosmetic dental treatment primarily used to help improve the appearance and alignment of...
24 August 2023
An orthodontist for teens
When children reach their teenage years, it is common to find that treatment with an orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent is required to...
17 August 2023
Can you get braces...
When people think of braces, the image which perhaps comes to mind initially is that of the more traditional metal...
01 August 2023
Thinking about orthodontics for...
At Ashlow Orthodontics we are pleased to be able to offer you different types of orthodontics in Stoke to straighten...
20 July 2023
Orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent, where smiles...
You may feel that your misaligned teeth make you too self-conscious to want to smile, but we can change that...
13 July 2023
Do you want teeth...
There was a time many years ago when the mentions of an orthodontist, teeth straightening and dental braces were regarded...
03 July 2023
Got an underbite? Orthodontic...
Most people have met at least one person with an overbite; the teeth at the front of the mouth may...
22 June 2023
Visiting your orthodontist in...
Orthodontic treatment is primarily used to help improve the appearance and alignment of your teeth if they are crooked, crowded,...
15 June 2023
Ever thought about braces?
Braces are a form of cosmetic dentistry that can treat a variety of dental issues ranging from crooked teeth to...