Orthodontics in Stoke: providing relief sooner rather than later


Do you have a misaligned bite? Do your top teeth protrude, or maybe your mouth seems crammed full of teeth? Perhaps your jaw muscles ache or you are plagued by an incessant clicking sound when you chew. There is really no need to endure any discomfort related to your mouth and jaw. Practising orthodontics in Stoke allows us to bring relief to those who suffer from a multitude of dental and jaw misalignment problems.

Let’s reduce the number of patients suffering

If you have your child’s mouth examined when they are young, you could make their life so much easier and help them to avoid dental problems later in life. Orthodontics in Stoke has seen remarkable progress in treatments and techniques over the years, all designed to put a smile on your face. By assessing your child from a young age, our team can identify any problems that may manifest later. We can design a treatment plan that will correct your child’s problem and ensure that they enjoy better dental health in adulthood. Early detection is always a better option!

Treatment designed around you

At Ashlow Orthodontics, we know and understand that everyone is different and that our aspirations and lifestyles are individual to us. Our primary task with new patients is getting to know them and what results they expect from their treatment. Teeth that function as they are supposed to by allowing you to chew your food properly make you less likely to suffer from indigestion problems. Therefore, our first objective is to provide you with a high-quality dental bite. We will assess your particular condition and give you all the details necessary to allow you to make a properly informed decision. Where possible, we will give you as many treatment options as we can. All treatments will be designed specifically for your particular case, taking into account your individual needs and desires.

Braces and aligners

Technology has affected us all in our daily lives, and the speciality of orthodontics in Stoke has also benefited from dental science and technology. For several decades, misaligned teeth were corrected using only one type of metal braces. In the twenty-first century, there are a variety of dental braces available to treat different conditions. The traditional metal brace has been modified beyond recognition and is more comfortable and efficient than its predecessor. In addition, there are ceramic braces that can be made close to the colour of your teeth, and there are also clear braces and self-adjusting braces that reduce the number of required dental visits during treatment. A brace called a lingual brace can be fitted behind your teeth, making it inconspicuous, which makes it very popular. Dental aligners are another variety that does not use wires and bands but takes a different approach and fits over your teeth like a gumshield.

Equipment and software to match

The latest equipment and software allow us to take as many as 6,000 images per second of the inside of your mouth, producing an accurate and defined view in great detail. Coupled with this software, we can send your information digitally to the laboratory, which speeds up the whole process. A broad, confident smile with properly functioning teeth is now just a dental visit away!