How to care for braces from our orthodontist


Most people are familiar with fitted braces, even if they have never worn them.

Attached with cement to the front of the teeth, these devices have been used in dental care for well over a century and are commonly used today for issues with bite, misalignment, and protruding teeth.

However, even if you are an adult, this can present a bit of an issue when it comes to dental hygiene. As stated before, they are firmly attached, so if your teeth are not being cared for correctly, they can quickly succumb to decay and gum disease.

At Ashlow Orthodontics, our orthodontist Stoke-on Trent, will always be happy to see people of any age who wish to have braces fitted. We are also always keen to ensure that you are up to date on all of the best brace cleaning techniques, which will help keep your teeth healthy and your braces functional.

So, what are some of the top tips that our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent has for caring for fitted braces? Read on to find out.

Brush and floss regularly

Good oral hygiene is essential for preventing plaque build-up, which can lead to decay and gum disease. With fitted braces, it’s important to brush and floss regularly, at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled brush and a high-fluoride toothpaste to clean your teeth, being sure to get around the brackets and wires. And according to our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent, you should aim to brush your braces at a 45-degree angle, as this ensures that any plaque under the gums is removed.

Flossing can be more difficult with braces, but it’s important to do so to remove debris from around the wires. A water flosser can be helpful in getting into tight spaces, as well as an interdental brush.

Avoid certain food types

Certain food can damage or dislodge braces, such as hard or sticky food like popcorn, nuts, chewing gum, and boiled sweets. Avoid these things during treatment, or cut them into small pieces and eat them carefully. It’s also wise to avoid sugary and acidic food and drink when wearing braces, as they can lead to decay and erosion of the enamel.

Wear a mouthguard

If you play sports like rugby or have a job that is highly physical, it’s important to wear a mouthguard. A mouthguard can protect your teeth and braces from damage and prevent injury to the soft tissues of the mouth. Speak to your orthodontist about getting a custom-fitted mouthguard that will fit comfortably over your braces.

Attend regular appointments

It’s important to attend all scheduled appointments with our orthodontic team to ensure that your treatment is progressing as it should. During these appointments, we will adjust your braces and check your progress. We may also recommend additional treatments or adjustments to ensure the best possible outcome.

Handle with care!

Fitted braces can be delicate (even though they don’t seem to be!), so it’s important to handle them with care. Avoid biting down on hard objects like pens or pencils, and don’t use your teeth to open packages or bottles. If a bracket or wire becomes loose or damaged, contact our team immediately to schedule a repair.