FAQs about wearing braces answered by our team


Many FAQ sections looking at orthodontics ask the same questions; how do I brush, when will they be off, etc?

However, when you are in orthodontic treatment, especially in those first few weeks, you will likely have some different questions!

When you come to see our team at Ashlow Orthodontics, we will assess your suitability for aligners or braces Stoke-on-Trent, and will be on-hand through the treatment to answer any questions you may have. Great!

To help new orthodontic patients along, we have compiled the following FAQ section of what patients new to treatment have asked us about braces Stoke-on-Trent, so read on to learn more!

Why are different teeth sensitive each day?

Good question!

When wearing braces Stoke-on-Trent, each tooth in the mouth is being moved, but the pressure applied to each tooth may differ depending on the bracket, the wire, rubber bands, etc.

So, a molar may be sensitive one day but fine the next. This is a sign that the treatment is working, but if you are in extreme discomfort, call our team!

Does drinking cold water help with discomfort?

This may or may not work to help with soreness, depending on the kind of appliance you have.

Cold water, or iced water, can help with orthodontic soreness because it deactivates the wire that is putting pressure on your teeth and moving them. The wires and brackets (in some orthodontic tools) are made from nickel titanium, meaning that when the wire is cool, it is more bendable. When it is heated up, however, from being inside your mouth, it tightens, applies pressure and causes soreness. So, if you need a reprieve from soreness, drink some cold water and take some paracetamol!

Why am I so hungry while wearing the appliance?

Ah, the hunger pain of a fitted appliance!

It is a side-effect of orthodontic care that you may lose weight. Why? Well, because when you have a fitted tool, it is harder to eat! Hunger in orthodontics is usually the result of you no longer eating as many high-fibre foods simply because they tend to be crunchy or hard (broccoli, carrots, fruits). So, you have the option to boil down the vegetables until they are squidgy, chop up the fruit or, if you can, invest in a food processor and make some smoothies!

Why are my teeth feeling itchy after I had the appliance fitted?

When you leave our team after having the fitted orthodontic tool put on, you may find that after a few hours, your teeth and gums start to feel itchy. It’s weird but not uncommon!

Why is it happening? Well, because the braces are starting to work, and as they apply pressure, your brain interprets the sensation as an itch. In our experience, this only lasts a few days and will begin to fade when you take over-the-counter pain relief like paracetamol. For this, using a water flosser with a massaging head can be very relieving; just another reason to have a water flosser!

Do I need to see a hygienist?

As a general rule, yes.

It is often the case that when you are having your teeth realigned and they have been crowded, parts of the tooth that you couldn’t see before will come into view. As a result of not being cleaned well (because they were misaligned), there may be some calculus on the tooth. Our hygienist will be able to remove this calculus with a scaler, ensuring that all of your teeth are clean and healthy for when the brace comes off!