Different types of braces at your orthodontist in Stoke-on-Trent


There are many factors which can affect the appearance of your smile. Thanks to advances in dental technology, our orthodontist can provide a whole range of orthodontic treatment options to address your unique dental needs and personal preferences.

A row of neatly aligned teeth is key for improving the aesthetic appearance of your smile, but more importantly it is necessary for improving your oral health. Whether you have slightly protruding teeth or you have severely crooked and wonky teeth, here at Ashlow Orthodontics we have a choice of treatment options available for you.

Traditional braces

For young teenagers and those who are suffering from extensive misalignment issues we recommend traditional orthodontic treatment. This method employs metal dental braces that are fixed to the surfaces of your teeth and apply constant pressure on them, to create a neatly aligned smile that is aesthetically pleasing and easier to maintain. Traditional dental braces take two years on average to correct the misalignment issues of your teeth, however they work to create a smile that you can maintain for life with good attention; visiting the dentist on a regular basis and employing an effective dental hygiene routine. Unfortunately most people are reluctant to undergo this treatment option, as metal dental braces can be quite visible in the mouth, but advances in dental technology have helped create more discreet treatment options.

Ceramic braces

If you suffer from extensive misalignment issues of your teeth, but you would like a discreet option for correcting your smile then speak to our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent to find out about ceramic braces. These work in the same way as traditional dental braces, however the metal brackets of traditional braces are replaced by ceramic brackets that are fixed to the surface of the teeth, but are tooth coloured and therefore less visible in the mouth. Similarly to traditional dental braces, ceramic braces also take approximately two years to correct the misalignment of your teeth, but this varies from patient to patient and will depend on the extent of misalignment to begin with.

Lingual braces

If you are looking for a more discreet option than ceramic braces, but still require extensive treatment to correct the misalignment issues of your teeth, then you need to speak to our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent to find out about lingual braces. These work in a similar way to traditional braces and ceramic braces in that they use brackets and wires that are fixed to your teeth, however lingual braces are fixed to the inside of your teeth so that they are almost invisible from the outside. Lingual braces are more expensive than traditional or ceramic dental braces, but they are perfect if you are looking to correct your teeth without anyone knowing about it.


If you have minor or moderate misalignment issues concerning your teeth, then you may wish to speak to us at our practice to find out about Invisalign for straightening them. Invisalign is a modern and highly discreet treatment option, which uses clear plastic aligners that fit snugly in your mouth, applying gradual pressure to move your teeth into an optimal position. Depending on the extent of misalignment you have, Invisalign can correct your smile within as little as three months and they are highly convenient and can be taken out of your mouth and replaced as necessary. They are popular because of being comfortable to wear and produce highly predictive results. Speak to our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent today to find out more.