22 December 2022
Do you need a...
Having misaligned teeth can cause people to have low self-esteem over the appearance of their smile. Perhaps more importantly, however,...
05 December 2022
Invisible teeth Straightening
So you’re looking for a solution to crooked teeth that is less noticeable to those around you? Maybe it is...
17 November 2022
Ashlow Orthodontics: the orthodontist...
At Ashlow Orthodontics, we specialise in creating beautiful smiles. However, we also understand that sometimes you may feel as though...
01 November 2022
Ashlow Orthodontics: your dentist...
With over 30 years since it was established, Ashlow Orthodontics has a vast amount of experience and has been moving...
13 October 2022
Different types of braces...
Crooked teeth are more prone to damage, decay and disease. It is important that you straighten your teeth sooner rather...
04 October 2022
The importance of teeth...
A beautiful smile consists of straight and healthy teeth. Dental misalignment, also known as malocclusion, affects a significant percentage of...
15 September 2022
Ashlow Orthodontics: the orthodontist...
Has it been a long time since you felt happy with your smile? Whether you have misaligned, missing or discoloured...
01 September 2022
Orthodontics in Stoke providing...
For many years, being referred to an orthodontist filled patients with a certain trepidation, fuelled mainly by a lack of...
11 August 2022
Teeth straightening with our...
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile it can affect your self-confidence, it can affect your mental...
04 August 2022
Orthodontics in Stoke: providing...
Do you have a misaligned bite? Do your top teeth protrude, or maybe your mouth seems crammed full of teeth?...