Benefits of using Invisalign


Many people assume that your adult years are too late for you to get the smile that you have always wanted. Nowhere is this myth more believed than in the field of orthodontic care.

If you grew up in the 90s or earlier, you may believe that waiting until you are in your 20s and beyond is simply too late for you to get the straighter smile that you deserve.

But there has been something of a revolution in the field of adult orthodontic care, and now, not only can you get a straighter smile later in life, but you can now achieve this with a less visible orthodontic tool.

In this instance, we are talking about Invisalign.

At Ashlow Orthodontics, we can provide orthodontics in Stoke to people across all age ranges with the aim to straighten your smile within as short a time as possible without causing visual disruption. If possible! We can offer patients the standard fitted brace, more covert braces like the lingual brace and, of course, the invisible or clear aligner options.

Are there any advantages to undertaking orthodontic realignment with invisible aligners like Invisalign? Read on to find out.

Better dental hygiene

When most people picture orthodontics in Stoke, they envision metal braces that require a fair deal of maintenance.

With Invisalign or other removable aligners, this is not an issue. You can simply remove the aligner to clean your teeth meaning that overall, there will be less of an impact on your dental health from this form of orthodontics in Stoke.


And yes, as it is a removable aligner, you can take it out at any time.

So if you are due to give a talk at work, you won’t have to worry about your colleagues staring at your mouth. Just be sure to keep the aligner in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day to achieve the desired results

Accelerated treatment time

Dental patients have concerns that because this aligner is clear and removable, it will take longer to straighten your teeth.

This is not the case, and when it comes to Invisalign aligners, the average treatment time is between 3 to 6 months for mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment. This makes it a great option if you are wanting to straighten your smile before a major life event like getting married or a graduation ceremony.


We cannot emphasise enough how many patients report feeling less self-conscious when using this aligner because it is clear. It means that nobody will be able to deduce that you are wearing it, even from close range, unless you point it out. It is also easier to clean overall; simply rinse it under a cold tap and voila, your aligner is clear!

Exceptional results

The results obtained using clear aligners like Invisalign can be striking if you choose a dental team that is experienced with the aligner. In that case, you should choose our team at Ashlow Orthodontics, as we can assure you that you will be happy with the result.