Traditional braces in Stoke-on-Trent


If you have been thinking about addressing the issues that are affecting the alignment of your teeth then you need to speak to us at our orthodontic practice and find out about braces Stoke-on-Trent. We have been helping patients straighten their teeth for over 30 years and we have plenty of options to help you achieve a beautiful straight smile too. Here at Ashlow Orthodontics we offer a range of braces Stoke-on-Trent, because we know very well that all smiles are unique and everyone has different dental requirements and personal preferences. Therefore, we will help you choose the right treatment option for you.

How do braces work?

Traditional braces Stoke-on-Trent are the most efficient at correcting the misalignment issues of your teeth. Commonly seen in teenagers and adults with more complicated orthodontic presentation, here at our practice we have been using traditional braces Stoke-on-Trent to help correct the smiles of hundreds of patients over the last few decades.

There are three main components for traditional braces. The brackets, arch wires and ligatures or clips. The bracket is the small metal component that is bonded to the surface of your teeth. This does not move your teeth but works as a joint or handle for the other parts of the braces. There are different types of brackets depending on your dental requirements and your personal preferences. If you are looking for a more discreet treatment option then you may wish to speak to our dentist about clear braces which use clear or tooth coloured brackets that are designed to blend in with your teeth. Once we have chosen the right bracket for you this is bonded to the surface of your tooth. Traditionally these brackets are attached to the front surface of your teeth or you may wish to speak to our dentist and find out about lingual braces in which the brackets are attached to the back surface of your teeth, again for a more discreet treatment option.

The next component of your braces is the arch wire. Arch wires can be shaped into the position which is necessary for your teeth. When fitted into the brackets the arch wire gradually pulls your teeth into a neater formation. Our dentist will begin with a thin and flexible arch wire which exerts very slight force and pressure on your teeth and as your teeth become straighter, further on in the process, we will use thicker and stiffer wires to help achieve a straight and symmetrical smile. In order for the arch wire to be able to move your teeth you need bracket clips or orthodontic ligatures which join the wire and the brackets together and these make your braces complete.

Maintaining your smile

Depending on your dental requirements traditional orthodontics can require between six months up to 2 years to help straighten your teeth. It is a gradual process and therefore should help straighten permanently. It is important that you speak to us about the different types of retainers that are available once you have achieved the smile that you are looking for, so that with good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist you can enjoy a happy healthy smile for life.